Our Vision

Fully usable products must never be wasted again. With our services, people and companies should be able to consume with more common sense – and take responsibility for how goods are sold, bought, transported and used.

Business model

From valuation to delivery





Shipping & Delivery


Sold objects

“If you stop growing you will fade.


Businesses and people have it in common, without nutrition they wither.

An expanding company provides people the opportunity to develop themselves and their skills. The rapidly changing world is forcing companies to quick transformations, new methods and equipment investments. Old equipment has to be replaced or capital released for reinvestments. For some companies, the change means the end, for others it means a progress or a relaunch. PS Auction ensures that what stands unused quickly will be useful to other operations. Fully functional machines, office furniture, expensive spare parts stock or IT equipment. New equipment that smaller businesses are not able to purchase, but vital for their future development. By handling bankruptcy stock, unused machines or large inventories, it will be reused faster and better. At the same time, people and businesses are given the chance to grow further.

By doing so, we contribute to a cycle where reuse becomes crucial for the businesses economy and social reputation.

PS Auction – We value the future”

Per Henriksson